Friday, August 22, 2014


They Called Themselves the KKK: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group by Susan Campbell Bartoletti is an informational and historical book published in 2010 discussing the origins of the ku klux klan and its rise to fame. The book includes personal accounts of terrifyingly vivid encounters with the KKK, as well as a few words from members of the klan on their perspective. Bartoletti aims to inform the younger generations about an important and influential event that occurred in American history. Her goal is to educate the youth on a well known terrorist group in America that shaped attitudes and beliefs for generations to come.

Susan Campbell Bartoletti incorporates many sentimental images that express emotionally dramatic scenes from KKK attacks. She uses these pictures not only to attract a younger audience, but to expose and emphasize feelings of horror and sorrow, persuading readers to think negatively of the ku klux klan, and empathize with their victims. For example, a picture Bartoletti uses, appealing to pathos and moving the audience emotionally, depicts a colored man, on his knees, pleading for his life to a group of klan members who surround him with weapons (pg. 132). Many of the pictures, although cartoonic, are quite graphic and realistic.

The tone throughout the book, They Called Themselves the KKK: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group, is calm and informative. Susan Bartoletti aims to provide younger age groups with an important piece of American history. After reading this book, children and young adults will understand how and why the KKK formed and the damage they caused to society. Not only is Bartoletti attempting to notify the audience about the events of the KKK, but shape their view of America and its troubling past that led it to become the country it is today. Bartoletti is not anti-America or trying to convince anyone that America is deficient or unacceptable. She is aiming to educate people of the country's past, showing that it is not and never was perfect, while explaining why some ares of the nation are the way they are today.

Bartoletti directs her work toward an audience of younger people. She involves many vivid images along with cartoons that emphasize her history of the KKK. Using comprehensible diction, Bartoletti easily communicates the history, making it easy for the audience to understand. Through her calm, sensible tone, Susan Bartoletti appears to be completely factual in her claims and believable in her stance. She creates a sense of credibility and trust with the audience that persuasion comes naturally, and all are on board.

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Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void by Mary Roach, published in 2010, is a non-fictional work describing the experiences of astronauts in space. It includes the personal accounts from different astronaut memoirs, and takes the reader on a journey behind the scenes of space exploration, while explaining the science involved. Roach examines the intensive training that astronauts must complete and the unimaginable discomfort they undergo in space, but also highlights the mind-boggling experience and astonishing views they encounter within the endless void.

Mary Roach uses rhetorical evidence evenly throughout her work. She conquers all sides of the triangle through her use of astronaut memoirs, wit, and statistical data. Roach, however, uses pathos the most and is convincing and likable through her humor and charm. During the chapter of her book discussing space chimps, Roach interviews many experts and conducts thorough research to determine if the rumor that Enos liked to masturbate in public places including his mission to space and the interview afterward is true. After she discusses her findings she says, "Enos, your name is cleared."

Many people dream about the awe-inspiring experience of becoming an astronaut and traveling to space one day. Mary Roach confirms the breathtakingly amazing experience space is, however, she also informs about the science and processes behind the scenes that many are not aware of. Roach herself is fascinated by space exploration, but she is not ignorant or oblivious to the challenges that are involved. Her goal is to educate the population and anyone interested in space exploration about the struggles astronauts go through to become astronauts and the truth behind the glory of leaving Earth.

Roach directs her work toward young adults and those who have a passion for science or a fascination for space. She uses sizable diction, as well as, many scientific terms. Although very defined and structured in her style, Roach involves intelligent humor and wit that young adults can appreciate in their journey behind the scenes of space. Her book is an excellent choice for those who are wondering about the career of astronauts and interested in becoming one in the future.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

"They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group" by Susan Campbell Bartoletti

"The Ku Klux Klan, 1868"
The Ku Klux Klan, 1868 discusses the journey of an american terrorist group, the ku klux klan. From the early beginnings of an innocent, organized social group, to the terrorizing, ruthless attacks they committed, the article concludes with the klans momentary fall. The eyewitness report of Ben Johnson is included at the end of the article discussing his encounter with the ku klux klan.

The book They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group shares similar views with the article The Ku Klux Klan, 1868. Both compositions discuss the journey of the KKK from its rise to its fall. They both emphasize the destruction and terror caused by the social group, while including witness testimony from the personal experience of slaves. However, the article touches more on the innocence of the klan in its dawnings, while the book slightly brushes over humble beginnings, but focuses more on the evil doings and horror brought by the clan. Both pieces view the KKK in a negative way, but continue to embody the full story of the american terrorist group.

In terms of the rhetorical triangle, the audience portion for both pieces seems to involve educating and informing the younger generations. The book They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group incorporates many pictures throughout the writing to help depict the stories and attitudes represented throughout the piece of literature. The article, as well, includes pictures of KKK members to aid in the imagery for the readers. Again, similarly, both writings have negative feelings toward the KKK and express them through personal stories from slaves and klan members with first hand knowledge, and through the depictions and descriptions of the terror caused by the terrorist group.

As mentioned before, both the book and the article include images throughout their writing, which visually add to the emotional appeal of the audience. They depict KKK members, slaves, and characterizations of violent events. The pieces of literature both include several references and sources used for their creations, as well as, interviews and personal recollections from people who experienced the ku klux klan. Through the quote, "I shook hands with bob before they hanged him," a slave shares his encounter with the KKK and adds credibility and reason to the article, The Ku Klux Klan, 1868. In relation to these interviews and recollections, the book and the article both emphasize the speech of the slaves staying true to their characters. The pair of compositions engage emotion into their writing through descriptions and images, while remaining reliable and logical using sources and first hand witnesses.  

If I were to join the heated and emotional topic of the ku klux klan I would have strong feelings of hate and anger toward the group, agreeing with the book They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group on the idea that the klan members were never rightfully punished, got away with too much, and were incredibly ignorant in their attitudes toward those different from themselves. On the side of the Unionists, fighting for equality for all Americans, I believe that all people were created equal no matter the color of one's skin. Nobody has the right nor reason enough to take another's life out of pure hate and/or ignorance.

Article link:

"Face it, KKK membership has its advantages"
The article Face it, KKK membership has its advantages discusses the secrecy of the ku klux klan and challenges the idea of concealing one's face. KKK members believe strongly in their prejudices, but still choose to cover their faces and hide their identities. Dave Henry, the writer of the article, relates the practice of KKK members wearing masks to Mexican wrestlers, but compares the practice to that of Jesus. Henry is uncertain of why people would hide their identity when they strongly believe in what they are protesting as seen through the line, "I'm always a bit skeptical of people who hold a strong belief or stance on an issue but refuse to reveal their identities."

Both the article and the book, They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group, discuss the uneasy subject of the ku klux klan in an informing and enlightening way. Neither author bashes the terrorist group, nor sides with them. However, the article did question the motives of the KKK more than the book by challenging the importance and necessity of wearing masks and hiding their identities. The tone from both pieces of literature is light, calm, and organized in contrast with the tense topic and the reactions produced from the violent stories.

While the audience of They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group is directed more towards teenagers and younger adults using images and comprehensible diction, the article seems to attract a younger generation through supportive examples and humor. Due to a lack of pictures, Face it, KKK membership has its advantages uses wit to draw the reader in as seen in the line, "I don't recall Jesus Christ wearing a mask, but then I'm no biblical scholar." Dave Henry relies on his sense of humor and honesty to emotionally attract the reader, while gaining credibility and reasoning through his many self-constructed examples as seen through the quote, "Maybe this macabre identity crisis is what infects the Ku Klux Klan." The book, however, uses witness testimony and personal anecdotes to draw in the reader emotionally and gain merit.

If I were to contribute my beliefs to the arguments, I would most definitely agree with Dave Henry in questioning the purpose of the klan members hiding from their supposed strong beliefs. Why only express opinions when cowering in sheets?

Article Link:

"Is it the 1950s? Arizona's Legislature wants to legalize prejudice"
Is it the 1950s? Arizona's Legislature wants to legalize prejudice is an article discussing recent laws and ideas created by the government in Arizona (and elsewhere) to allow people to refuse service to gays, minorities, and others who are not included in religious views. Scott Martelle, the author of the article, is flabbergasted by the current views of some people. He remarks, "Such acts are now illegal; we have managed to shake off those vestiges of the nation's shameful past...a large swath of our country can't seem to wrap its head around the idea that all people are created equal, and are entitled to the same basic civil liberties."

Scott Martelle and Susan Campbell Bartoletti, the writer of They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group, would be in agreement with the topic of the ku klux klan, but Martelle would most likely have the stronger and more powerful views. While Bartoletti does share the terrible actions of the KKK, she does not have a strong stance on the issue at hand. Martelle, however, strongly feels that prejudice is out and equality is in. He looks back in disappointment on our nation's past with segregation and hate crimes, and expects a brighter more promising future where people get over the differences between one another.

The directed audiences for each piece of literature differ. The book uses images, interviews, and comprehensible diction for a younger audience, while the article is from the Los Angeles Times Newspaper, lacking pictures and interviews with a more mature use of language. The article also references Jim Crow and Lester Maddox, two individuals that not all teenagers are familiar with. In terms of the speaker, Scott Martelle portrays a concerned citizen with the inside scoop on the government's actions, while Bartoletti appears to have researched the topic in depth and searched for only the best and broadest personal encounters from slaves.

As mentioned above, the article lacks pictures and relies more on the use of many supportive examples and the hope that not everyone in the world is against equality for all. Martelle uses reasoning to emphasize his point and explains each example, using sarcasm if needed. He also combats an opposing argument, increasing his reliability and adding credibility as seen through the line, "And no, barring the religious from acting on the prejudices of their faith is not a denial of religious freedom. The right to worship, even if it is a religion of intolerance, exists. But there is no right to act on that faith in such a way as to deny the fundamental civil liberties of others." The article differs from the book in its use of rhetorical tools not only in the way of no pictures, but also through the tone of the writer. Martelle voices common opinions relating to other angry citizens, and explains what the law would do to society, if passed, through unheard of examples that emotionally draw people in. Bartoletti also describes stories that emotionally draw the audience in, but her tone is more subdued and calm about the prejudice of the KKK.

I believe that Scott Martelle is making an excellent point, and strongly agree with the fact that we should not repeat our past for it is not a time that should be looked on with admiration. It is not 1950 anymore and the world should embody that. We have advanced past the ignorant ideas of prejudice and should no longer look at differences as a degrading or inadequate thing. We are all humans on this Earth, and should live as one.

Article link: